08. January 2018 · Comments Off on Episode 28 – Adventure with a mission! · Categories: Uncategorized

This month’s episode brings us an interview with the founders of Sierra Madre Research, a hammock design company with some interesting designs for their hammocks. Richard and Juli Rhett tell Mark and Jonathan about their company, some of their interesting designs, and how they got into hammock camping as an avocation and an important part of their personal mission – helping others get access to clean water. Finally, we get to learn a little bit about what happened to get Juli and Richard onto the set of Shark Tank.

After the interview, Jonathan and Mark discuss the possibility that social media may be driving the overuse of our trails, and stand on a soapbox about LNT. Sorry about that, listeners….

Show Notes:

Here’s a link to the Shark Tank episode and notes on ABC (you might not be able to watch the episode: http://abc.go.com/shows/shark-tank/episode-guide/season-9/01-season-9-premiere-episode-1

Check our facebook page on Saturday, January 13th at https://facebook.com/hyohpodcast to see if we have enough bandwidth for a live podcast on Sunday.

Here’s a link that provides instructions on removing geolocation data from those pictures of your awesome hangs before you post them on social media: https://fieldguide.gizmodo.com/remove-location-data-from-your-photos-before-sharing-th-1593773810

As always, we are also inviting comments and suggestions on our Facebook page – like us there at https://www.facebook.com/hyohpodcast and join the conversation. You can listen to or subscribe to the podcast from a link on our home page online at https://www.hyohpodcast.com or give us a review on our page in iTunes. If you’d like to buy Mark and Jonathan a cup of coffee, go to https://www.hyohpodcast.com/donate to make a one-time donation, or you can donate monthly to our Patreon Campaign at https://www.patreon.com/hyohpodcast. As always, thanks so much for hanging around!